
How Can a Locksmith Replace Smart Keys Without the Original?

Car key lying on dashboard inside car

One of the top things you look for in a car is practicality, and having a smart key system is a significant part of that. Instead of having to worry about an ignition switch — or even manually locking and unlocking your doors — you can start your vehicle by simply pressing a button. You may even be able to start your engine from outside of your car, thanks to your remote. But what happens when you lose this key and don’t have a spare?

In many instances, Bucks County and Mercer County residents may feel like they are at a loss. Without a spare copy of the key, how are you expected to get a replacement made? And how are you supposed to get around when you have no access to your vehicle? The good news is that, even without a copy of the key fob at your disposal, an experienced automotive locksmith will be able to get you back on the road in no time — all you need to do is follow a few steps.

Provide Proof of Ownership

Since you more than likely won’t be able to drive your vehicle to the locksmith to make your appointment, you’re going to need to verify that you own the car that requires a replacement key. After all, if there was no verification, anyone off the street can come to visit a locksmith and ask for a replica key of any car with the intention of stealing the car they’ve had their eye on. While this isn’t the case in most instances, it’s better to have this level of security before moving forward with the process.

There are a few vital pieces of information that you will need to prove you own the vehicle in questions, including:

  • Year, make, and model of the vehicle
  • Proof of vehicle registration
  • A copy of the official vehicle title
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Key identification number

If the key identification number is jumping out at you — how can I prove the ID number if I don’t have the key? — no need to worry. You should be able to find the key code in your car manual or your interior door panel. Your VIN is available in multiple places on your vehicle, including your dashboard, engine bay, and doorstop on the driver’s side.

Find a Trusted Car Locksmith

Once you have all of your information, the next step is finding the right team to do the job. While some may think their best bet is to go to the dealership, they will likely charge you an arm and a leg. A locksmith is a much cheaper alternative — and may even be where your dealership turns to when you look to them to replace your key fobs. Plus, you won’t have to worry about a tow truck, getting a ride from a friend, or rideshare prices if you can’t access your car. In most cases, if you can’t access your vehicle, the locksmiths will come to you!

Once you meet with the locksmith of your choosing, an important tip is to let them know whether or not the key fob has been lost or if you suspect it has been stolen. If the latter is even a remote possibility (no pun intended), the locksmith will need to adjust the programming so that the old key does not work if it falls into the wrong hands. Once all the necessary information is gathered, the locksmith service will begin work program your new smart key or key blade and help you get back into your car in no time.

Find the Best Car Key Repair With Car Keyline

While drivers from Morrisville to Ewing may have their choice of automotive, residential, and commercial locksmiths to choose from, Car Keyline is the most dependable name of the bunch. We have experience working with a variety of remote keys and mechanical keys and can provide friendly service at a fraction of the price of local car dealerships. If you’re looking for a replacement key fob and need to get back into your vehicle, give us a call to get the process started!

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